What financial institutions are saying about Encapture

Encapture customers share how our machine learning platform has reduced operational cost per loan, allowing their teams more efficiency!

Encapture Video
Sandy Knight
SVP, Director of Compliance
First National Bank Texas

"The big win is time because to validate a file it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. It's been allowing our HMDA team to get more out of their role because they aren't spending time checking 110 data fields... It's been the most positive experience I have had with a vendor."

Our Customer Stories

Veritex Community Bank

• Encapture’s machine learning & automation platform enabled Veritex to auto-label, auto-validate & auto-compare loan packets

• Veritex found a time on task cost savings of over 60% across the commercial lending process, supporting year over year growth of 30% increase in annual loan volume, without having to hire additional headcount

• Encapture integrated with their LOS, Sageworks, to pull the required data points for HMDA & CRA reporting

Redstone Credit Union

• Integrated Encapture’s modern document automation platform to automate manual tasks that created risk and limited scalability

• RFCU’s HMDA review process times were reduced from 90 minutes down to 5 minutes per loan

• Reduced the operational cost per HMDA review by 95% by applying automatic data scrubbing to their compliance team

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